ACREofART Biennial Sculpture Exhibition
Postcard for Season I Opening Exhibition
ACREofART is in its fourth season of community sponsored sculptures placed in the Downtown and Riverfront Districts of Appleton, Neenah, Menasha, Kaukauna and Little Chute. Our vision of a Fox Cities-wide public sculpture program has taken root and is growing with every season, germinating public artworks all along the Fox River and urban corridors.
ACREofART expands the visual enhancement of downtown districts and open public green spaces by showcasing works from nationally recognized artists. It is funded entirely through the generous sponsorships of area businesses and individual donors. At the close of each biennial season, these donors have first right of refusal to purchase their sponsored work and we truly hope that some will seize this unique opportunity to acquire and permanently install these great works of art somewhere in our community!
Sculpture Valley purchases one or more works from each season of ACREofART and coordinates with community governments or private partnerships to permanently place them in our public realm. Our goal is to install sculpture from our annual competitions within city parks, urban green spaces, and select sites along the expanded trails system of the Fox Valley.
With ACREofART we have joined the envious list of visionary cities across the nation which recognize how important and significant it is to add to the beauty and embrace of their community with public sculpture. We also recognize that this program is impossible without the generous support or arts advocates and area business who understand the value of public art and its ability to transform urban landscapes into desirable and attractive places to live and linger in.
Please consider becoming a sponsor for the forthcoming 2025-2028 Season which will see a name change and increase in scope and scale into more Fox Valley communities. Take the Sponsorship Inquiry brief survey of interest to let us know you are thinking about it. If you're a dimensional artist and want us to consider your work, have a look at last years artist submission form for program specifics.
Take a virtual tour of ACREofART by downloading the free multi-platform touring app, Otocast.