Our Vision
Public Art, a reflection of who we are.
As a society, and as human beings, art is something we can't live without. It is a means of expression. It is a means of communication. It is our past. It is our future. It is as inherent to being human as the beating of a heart. In all its infinite forms it inspires creativity, offers perspective, provokes thought, frees expression, spans language and culture, provokes debate, tears people apart and brings them together. In a way, public art is a direct reflection of who we are and who we aspire to be.
Our Mission, “to cultivate, promote, place and preserve public art in outdoor spaces throughout the Fox Cities,” is the foundation of our desire to hold up this mirror, “through the support and partnership of community members, volunteers, and businesses dedicated to enriching the life experience for all who reside here and visit.”
And just like the complex nature of the communities inhabited by these reflective works, art is not always pretty nor innocuous. The choice to place engaging sculptures, those that evoke emotion and spark conversation, carry with them a responsibility to the artists, to their sponsors and to the works themselves – to selectively and deliberately inject them into public spaces where are most effective, most engaging… most evocative.
Sometimes at deliberate odds with their surroundings and other times a direct reflection of them, locations are chosen to draw contrast or cohesion to the works themselves and in so doing elevate their presence and our experiences with them.
We should be proud of our community's commitment to presenting art that can challenges our perspectives and thinking, no matter how uncomfortable our own subjective interpretations might be.
Alex Schultz
Executive Director
Brian Moore and family visit The Collective, an ACREofART sculpture the family sponsored in honor of Linda Kuplic Moore, outsider and found art artist, wife, mother and grandmother.
(L-R) granddaughters Lilja and Madison Waliewski, daughters Jeni and Adrianna Moore, husband Brain Moore and dogs Ginger and ElleVis.