
Artiphix micro-art vending machines are loosly modeled after the successful Art-o-Mat art vending machine program started by artist Clark Whittington over 2 decades ago.


Bringing one-of-a-kind mini-artworks to the masses!

While our machines are similar in function and form, they do differ in two significant ways;

First, every artist represented in Artiphix is either from the Fox Valley or in some cases a little further afield from places like Green Bay, Door County, Stevens Point, and the like. The whole point of the machine is to allow visitors from outside the region to bring a piece of local artwork home with them from the Fox Cities and greater Northeast Wisconsin area.

Second, the vending price is set at the kitschy price of $19.95, obtained via a very simple card swipe process. No irksome coin operation but still the reward of that addictive pull-of-the-knob. $15 of every purchase goes directly to the artist, while the remaining 25% feeds back into the program. Some artists give a little more to the project, electing to contribute another $5-$10 to the fundraising aspect of Artiphix.

All proceeds after artist are paid are considered charitable contributions to the many arts related programs of Sculpture Valley.

Our first machine, named Baby Blue, has been installed in McFleshman’s Brewing Co located on S State Street of College Ave. and we recently launched machine No.2, the Pink Panther, in the Red Lion Paper Valley Hotel. No.3, The Grinch, and No.4 Mad Mauve may be released by the end of the year..

If you are interested in becoming an Artiphix artist, please reach out to us at 920-205-6169 for more details, we’d love to bring you aboard!